Expand description

STRMPrivacy rust driver

this crate provides a convenient driver to authenticate and send events to the STRMPrivacy api.

The driver consists out of 2 main components

  • StrmPrivacyClient: Client to connect to the STRMPrivacy backend
  • StrmPrivacyValue: Trait to convert structs and schemas into values that the client can send

Generating structure based on a STRMPrivacy schema

When using our cli we can generate Rust code based on a schema we have created using the following command: strm get schema-code <*handle*/*schema_name*/*version*> --language=rust

This will generate a rust project with the necessary scripts to generate a new package to be used in your project

Example usage

Using and initializing the STRMPrivacy client to send event data to our api.

    use strm_privacy_driver::{StrmPrivacyClient, StrmStatusCode};
    use std::env;
    use strm_privacy_driver::test::demo::{DemoEvent, StrmMeta};
    use strm_privacy_driver::error::Error;

    async fn main() -> Result<(), Error> {

        // initialize the env variables
        let billing_id = env::var("BILLING_ID").expect("no BILLING_ID found in environment");
        let client_id = env::var("CLIENT_ID").expect("no CLIENT_ID found in environment");
        let client_secret = env::var("CLIENT_SECRET").expect("no CLIENT_SECRET found in environment");

        let mut strm_privacy_client = StrmPrivacyClient::default(billing_id, client_id, client_secret).await?;

        let event = create_event();

        // catch specific status_codes and decide what to do
        match strm_privacy_client.send_event(event).await? {
            (StrmStatusCode::NO_CONTENT, _) => {}
            (status_code, message) => {assert!(false)}


    // create new event based on the example schema
    fn create_event() -> DemoEvent {
        DemoEvent {
            strm_meta: StrmMeta {
                event_contract_ref: "strmprivacy/example/1.3.0".to_string(),
                nonce: None,
                timestamp: None,
                key_link: None,
                billing_id: None,
                consent_levels: vec![0],
            unique_identifier: Some("unique".to_string()),
            consistent_value: "consistent".to_string(),
            some_sensitive_value: Some("sensitive".to_string()),
            not_sensitive_value: Some("not sensitive".to_string()),




This trait is used for structures that represent STRMPrivacy schemas

Type Definitions

Container type to easily return backend responses from send_event function

type alias for match status codes after send_events function